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Protecting our Floodplains and Wetlands

Protecting the Island’s floodplains and wetlands is critical to climate change resilience and public health and safety. Floodplains are so named because they flood in storms. Wetlands absorb floodwater.

Homes are at risk of increased flooding

As part of The Vineyard Way, the Vineyard Climate Action Plan, the Martha’s Vineyard Commission is working with the town Planning Boards, Conservation Commissions and Climate Committees to update the towns’ Floodplain and Wetlands Bylaws.

Coastal roads are at risk from increased flooding

Keep a lookout this year for public education sessions so you can learn more and provide input on this important project. The goal is to have the bylaw updates on the warrants of the 2026 Annual Town Meetings.

Floods are increasing with stronger storms and sea level rise