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The Values of Biochar

Biochar is a key to climate change resilience. Through an MV Vision Fellowship with the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, Maggie Craig is investigating the benefits of biochar, which is charcoal made by baking wood in a low-oxygen environment . Maggie gave a presentation recently at a Vision Fellowship community gathering. We learned all about the benefits […]

Martha’s Vineyard Public Food Forest Plan

The MVC has partnered with landscape designer and MV Vision Fellow, Mary Sage Napolitan, to secure a grant through the MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program to create a Public Food Forest Plan for the island. Public, perennial food forests (diverse, layered plantings of food producing trees, shrubs, and perennials that mimic the structure of a […]

Pilot Program to Reclaim Construction and Demolition Waste

The Construction and Demolition Waste Committee and Vineyard Vision Fellowship implemented a pilot project on a house going through a major renovation to harvest a significant portion of the materials that normally would have gone to the transfer station. This project was documented and will be used in future reclamation projects and training.

MVC Energy Planner

Kate Warner, the MVC Energy Planner continues to work with Eversource on grid modernization and resilience with support from the Town Energy Committees, County, and Vineyard Power. In addition, she continues discussions with Steamship staff about transitioning their fleet. This fall, work began on an Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Program (ETIPP) grant that will provide strategies […]