Download the Climate Action Plan

Call for Donations! Help Us Understand the Economic Impacts of Climate Change

Climate change will impact the local economy in many ways, including the high cost of adaptation, town budget shortfalls due to the loss of property tax income (when buildings are lost due to storms and sea level rise), job loss, loss of recreational income (beach erosion), cost of living increases, loss of ecosystem services (salt […]

Massachusetts’ Wildfire Season: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

As 2024 comes to a close, Massachusetts experienced one of its most intense wildfire seasons to date. Beginning in late August, dry conditions quickly escalated into an unprecedented fall fire season. Between October 1st and November 27th alone, over 662 wildfires burned across 4,000 acres statewide. Drought, wind, and the annual leaf drop created a […]

Protecting our Floodplains and Wetlands

Protecting the Island’s floodplains and wetlands is critical to climate change resilience and public health and safety. Floodplains are so named because they flood in storms. Wetlands absorb floodwater. As part of The Vineyard Way, the Vineyard Climate Action Plan, the Martha’s Vineyard Commission is working with the town Planning Boards, Conservation Commissions and Climate […]

2024 Accomplishments and 2025 Goals!

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC) is the regional planning agency for Martha’s Vineyard Island and the Elizabeth Islands (together, comprising the County of Dukes County). The mission of the MVC is twofold: (1.) To assist our region’s 7 towns (Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Gosnold, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, & West Tisbury) with planning expertise; and (2.) Protect […]

Martha’s Vineyard Public Food Forest Plan

The MVC has partnered with landscape designer and MV Vision Fellow, Mary Sage Napolitan, to secure a grant through the MA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program to create a Public Food Forest Plan for the island. Public, perennial food forests (diverse, layered plantings of food producing trees, shrubs, and perennials that mimic the structure of a […]

Supply Chain and Carrying Capacity Study

MVC Task Force began phase one of a supply chain/carrying capacity study with afocus on water related components through a Planning Assistance for States (PSA)agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers – Engineering and Research DevelopmentCenter.

MVC Energy Planner

Kate Warner, the MVC Energy Planner continues to work with Eversource on grid modernization and resilience with support from the Town Energy Committees, County, and Vineyard Power. In addition, she continues discussions with Steamship staff about transitioning their fleet. This fall, work began on an Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Program (ETIPP) grant that will provide strategies […]