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The Values of Biochar

Biochar is a key to climate change resilience. Through an MV Vision Fellowship with the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, Maggie Craig is investigating the benefits of biochar, which is charcoal made by baking wood in a low-oxygen environment .

Maggie gave a presentation recently at a Vision Fellowship community gathering. We learned all about the benefits of biochar, including (but certainly not limited to):

  • it enriches the soil and thereby increases farm production
  • it makes use of wood waste and thereby reduces risk of wildfire
  • it has the potential to reduce nitrogen in our coastal ponds
  • it sequesters carbon

Maggie’s single-minded devotion to the values of biochar is bringing it to the forefront of climate resilience strategies. She collects wood, does burn demonstrations, collects data, works with farmers and forest managers, and is working on a water quality pilot project.

Her work highlights the shared missions of the MV Vineyard Fellowship and the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.